Piper Radcliffe


May 2021

When music making is most worthwhile

The greatest satisfaction for songwriters is when their words and music touch people. When those affected take the time and trouble to tell us about their experience - it touches us.

Jo on Instagram recently posted these kind and emotional words after using the Odyssey album as her soundtrack for the work commute:
Yesterday's journeys to and from work were akin to a musical therapy session. A beautiful rollercoaster of emotions. Love this album for many different reasons but mostly because it stirs up memories and thoughts put away in a box that often you are too scared to open. The words and music have a canny way of gently welcoming them back and reminding you how lucky we are to have had such wonderful times with special people, but also encourages you to be in the present and move forward.

Thanks Jo x

Album Artwork

The feedback on the album artwork has been fabulous. Thanks to everyone who took the time to share the visual love.

Odyssey album release

I can't help thinking that the release of the Odyssey album kind of reflects the emergence out of lock down. It has certainly been a journey that everyone has been forced to make and it has been a journey with significant challenges; eventful and long but not an adventure one would choose to embark on given the choice. Arguably, an odyssey nonetheless.

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